July Surfing Celebration
July 2022
Hello Surfers:
I hope you will be attending the Agate Beach Surf Club (ABSC) Dedication and Paddle Out Weekend on:
Friday July 15th and Saturday July 16th, 2022 at Agate Beach
I am looking forward to seeing everyone who can attend. Here is the agenda and latest update:
· Friday, July 15th from 6:00 – 8:00 there will be a No-Host party at Ossies Surf Shop (Hwy 101) across from Agate’s large parking lot. Ossies will have its liquor license and a Hawaiian food cart outside. Party will be inside and outside.
· 1:00 PM … Saturday, July 16th Pre-Paddle Out ceremony. Surfers, family, public will gather below and outside of the Agate Beach Motel at large drive way and paved parking lot, overlooking the Cove. We will name the 30 surfers who have been identified so far, a short prayer for all surfers. The ABSC Dedication will follow with speakers Ohana (Rick) Baley and Larry Tucker (Founding Fathers of ABSC) and maybe other members. Followed by the Newport Mayor or Councilor reading the Surfing Proclamation by the city of Newport naming … “THE GREATER NEWPORT AREA AS THE HOME OF SURFING PAST AND PRESENT.” Recognizing the 10 miles of surfing from Otter Rock to South Beach.
· 2:30 PM … The official Paddle Out will begin with surfers paddling out past and around the edge of Yaquina Head. Jack Skriver will be in charge & requesting it be prone paddle out only. You will NOT be able to see the paddle out circle from the Cove or the Agate Beach Motel. Everyone is encouraged to see it at Quarry Cove parking lot inside the Yaquina Head State Park Reserved. There is a fee to get into the park.
Surfers will be able to gather and network with each other at all events. In addition eight rooms at the Agate Beach Motel have been reserved by north, central and south coast surfers.
We will be videotaping surfer stories on Saturday, July 16th. We are particularly interested in pioneer surfer stories from the 60s & 70s. We are encouraging all surfers to drop in and be videotaped on Saturday. For more info please contact Sandy Blackman
I hope my next book on the history of Oregon surfing will be available by this event. I will be printing on demand and if the book is not finished I will be taking pre- orders for the book at the July 15 & 16th event. For more info about our books, surfing videos and my husband Scott Blackman (ABSC surfer) please go to our website https://surferscott.com/
I will continue to update list until a week before the event. Please submit names to Sandy Blackman at scottsreef@outlook.com or via text. Oregon Surfers who have passed who will be honored.
I looking forward to everyone attending the surf celebration – Sandy
4-21-2022 Update:
David Fish; Marty Skriver; Scott Blackman; Jim Tucker; Steve Baley
Jimmy Smith; Andrew Rodman; Curt Capri; Fred Baley; Steve Dundas;
Steve Williams
Tom Hastings
Martin Hass, Neskowin,
Gary Gregg, PC
Garth Gilmour, VSA & ABSC member
Jack Brown (Washington)
Tim Foley (Grant) Portland, Tillamook Head
Jerry Harrington, Seaside, Tillamook Head
Jeff Trenary (Madison) Portland
Bill Siewert (Wilson) Portland
Steve McKenzie (Cleanline Surf Shop)
Bob Malo, North Shore Surf Club member, Cannon Beach
John Alto Seaside, SSA member
Pierre Marchand, SSA member
Bruce Combs, Seaside, SSA President
Robin Hinton, Seaside, SSA member
Bruce Zumbuhl, Seaside
Mark Collins, SSA member
Joe Camberg, SSA member
Sara Lee, Seaside
Dennis Severy, Florence
Tribal Chief Don Ivy, Coos Bay
Bradley Courtright, Nubs, Kahuna member, Coos Bay
Buddy Bodonivitch, Kahuna, Coos Bay
Arden Keylock, Coos Bay
Ellie Lark, Coos Bay
David Sheldon, Coos Bay
Mike Ford, KaPaKea member, Coos Bay
Bert Moffit, KaPaKea member, Coos Bay
Terry Swanson, Coos Bay
For more information about the event email: scottsreef@outlook.com
Organizing Committee members: Sandy Blackman; Mike Cavanaugh, Newport REC Director; Mike Harrington, Surfrider Foundation; Jeff Ouderkirk; Jack Skriver; Ossie’s Surf Shop; Pura Vida Surf Shop; Olivia Schroeder.